To connect Hawaiʻi's people with their culture, traditions, ancestry and hereditary claims

Kamehameha Foundation
Deadline for submission this year is CLOSED
Open to all undergraduate students entering an accredited college or university throughout Hawaiʻi who meet the criteria and submits the required essay.
Grants have already been awarded
Fill out the on line application below:
Kamehameha Foundation Scholarship
$1500.00 Grant
In the interest of dispelling the negative inferences regarding the Mahele, our once and forever domestic land division, the Kamehameha Foundation is offering this opportunity to educate, promote and perpetuate the rights and protections of absolute title, royal patents and private property law to the estates of Hawaiian Kingdom subjects and heirs. More specifically, how the founding laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government protect:
1) the lands for the people and chiefs,
2) the private lands of H.M. King Kamehameha III, and
3) the government lands.
Entry Criteria:
• Applicants must submit a 500-1000 words essay describing how the 1848 Mahele and the 1850 Kuleana Act served the people of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Also, how the Mahele and Kuleana Act continues to benefit the people today and into the future.
• Submit proof of entry to an accredited college or university
throughout Hawaiʻi as a full-time undergraduate student for the
2021 Fall Semester.
• Please submit your application and essay at the kamehamehafoundation.org website.
• Deadline for submissions is CLOSED.
Awards will be presented CLOSED.
• Winning essays will be published on our website and FB page.
Please submit any questions you may have to David Castro at admin@kamehamehafoundation.org
Please check back at another time as submissions are currently closed
Mahalo a nui loa